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In this male dominating society, this is quite hard for a female to set a better position but one lady of the Bollywood industry has proved that - women could do anything, and it’s important to give them a space to walk together with a man.

And the name of this enlightening beauty of this world name is - PRIYANKA CHOPRA. She is an amazing actress in the Bollywood industry and she earns fame and reputation through her hard work and performance. The family background of Priyanka Chopra was also not from the Bollywood industry but still, she has proved that you could achieve anything if you have the willpower and caliber to accomplish it.

She has received a FEMINA MISS INDIA Crown at the age of 18 and become proud of INDIA. Her first film was Tamil debut in 2003, and the name of the film was - THAMIZHAN and after this film the door of Bollywood get open for Priyanka and she got a number of opportunities to make films with legends of the Bollywood industry. Also, she is the only actress who has worked with Hollywood filmmakers or actors and brand endorsements.

And today she is the only actress who is rich among others actresses in Bollywood. Her monthly net worth is - US$70 MILLION and per month she earns $10 MILLION. Recently she had launched one book in which she had written throughout the struggle and achievements in detail. You must check out if you want to know a bit about her in detail.



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